"Walk softly...but carry a big stick." Many people
are familiar with this famous quote of Theodore Roosevelt,
one of America's dynamic presidents. But some little known
facts about Teddy Roosevelt were that he was the first U.S.
President to have a press room in the White House, was a cowboy,
a Harvard graduate, wilderness explorer, military leader and
the author of more than 30 books.
Actor Gene Worthington brings Teddy Roosevelt to life in
the one-man production of Bully. Audiences find themselves
caught up in the reminisces of Teddy Roosevelt as an old man...remembering
his days growing up, his love of the Old West, and his terms
in office. One of the great men of his time, Teddy had a zest
for life and a commitment to live it to the fullest. Bully
is amusing, poignant and contagious. From winning the Nobel
Peace Prize to his charge up San Juan Hill, Worthington exudes
the energy that was Teddy Roosevelt.