Simon Kenton
As a young man making his first journey into the wilderness,
Kenton saw the Ohio country as a place to leave behind
the failures of the past and make a fresh start in life.
Mistakenly fearing he was wanted for murder in Virginia,
Kenton assumed a new name on the frontier and began
a career as a hunter and fur trader. His exploits as
a frontiersman became legendary. He scouted for armies
in the wilderness, repeatedly escaped torture and execution
at the hands of Indian tribes, and survived numerous
battles. Ironically, Kenton helped change the frontier
from an untamed land of opportunity in which he could
roam freely into a settled civilization--such as the
one from which he had escaped. He was, in the classic
sense, a trailblazer leading others who would further
tame and develop the land. Gene Worthington brings Simon
Kenton to life and vividly depicts the American frontier.